Songs of life

As we sat and talked together, each table put together a compilation of songs. Some of these are well known hymns, others were pop classics and well known hits. What they had in common was that each had a special meaning for the person who chose it. Our list of songs was a reflection of the people we are - the highs and lows of our life's journeys.

The events of Advent tell a very human story. An elderly childless couple suddenly discovering they are about to become parents; a young couple forced from their home by an oppressive state, facing the stigma of an unexpected pregnancy and refused accommodation in their hour of need. And of course over the years, many have written songs and carols that tell their story.

Our songs and stories might be very different, but what we have in common with them is that God is with us in the circumstances they reflect and recall.

Click here to see some of the songs that we chose together

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