Covid-19 - Acting Faithfully and Responsibly

During this time of concern and crisis, as churches and Christian disciples we all have our part to play. Firstly as responsible citizens, whether this is through our endeavours as a key-worker, volunteering within the community or by observing the rules of lockdown and social distancing. In the words of the New Testament book of Hebrews, let us 'spur one another on in love and good deeds' (though we might notice that it continues by urging that we do not give up meeting together - not quite as appropriate to current circumstances!)

We can embrace the spirit of the writer of Hebrews by working together to tackle loneliness and anxiety. We would encourage Christians across Merseyside to keep in touch and to reach out to the community around you with phone calls and messages to those you know might be vulnerable at this time.

We would also encourage all Christians to be prayerful. Pray for those frontline key-workers in the vital roles that they undertake for our common good; pray for those who are unwell and concerned for loved ones; pray for those who have been bereaved, particularly as many of the traditional avenues of support will not be available to them.

Many will also want to nourish and inform their own journey of discipleship and through this page we will direct you to resources that you might find helpful. There will be many messages and ideas in circulation at this time, so you are encouraged to be thoughtful about the narratives that you absorb and the impact these will have on you. Through this page you might take the opportunity to learn about other Christian traditions and networks apart from your own. We have a longstanding tradition of working together and clear structures of accountability - not everyone who provides internet content will - so be careful to think about who you are listening to, not just what they say.

May you know the peace and presence of God as we journey together through these challenging times

Phil Jump - Chair, Churches Together in Merseyside

Some useful links to our CTMR partners

Archdiocese of Liverpool
North Western Baptist Association
Salvation Army (Central and North West)
URC Mersey Synod Coronavirus Resource Page
Wirral Methodists Resource Page

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